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Imagine being able to access all student-teacher-mentor relevant interactions that ever existed for the particular topic someone is studying right now. How would their student experience be if they could see in detail the interactions between Larry Paige and Sergei Brin with their teachers as they were learning to code? Did they have the same questions? Were they able to reach the same conclusions? What was the process that led them to a resolution on the particular topic they were studying?

LEHI, Utah, July 3, 2019 (Newswire.com) –​​Bottega, the leading accredited school of software engineering in the United States and creator of DevCamp.com, has now set a new standard for modern-day, customized education within the technology industry. Led by Jordan Hudgens, CTO, a new dynamic scholastic system has been added to Bottega’s already state-of-the-art learning management platform, DevCamp.

“Student experience, guided to achieve industry-ready standards, is the core of how Bottega designs scholastic outcomes. Each student receives the same high-quality, customized-to-standards, accredited experience whether their classroom is in a school, with a group online, in an independent study setting or any other educational environment, ” stated Fili Ledezma, president of Bottega.

With the rapidly growing demand for experienced developers all over the country, the technology industry is in need for greater solutions to train individuals wanting to join the Age of Automation. In order to solve this problem at scale, Bottega, the leading accredited school of software engineering in the United States, is making another leap through new developments within their online learning management platform, DevCamp.com. “Every successful student-teacher interaction is transcribed and added to a global knowledge base for the benefit of new students,” said Fili.

DevCamp has trained 40,000 software engineers. Bottega has used the learning platform to maintain quality and results for students all over the world. But that staggering statistic is still far from Bottega’s ultimate vision. “We are confident that by 2024, we will be training 80,000 engineers per year,” said Eric Wold, CEO and co-founder of Bottega. Noting that the current demand for skilled developers is already near one million and still growing rapidly in the United States, he continued, “This goal has always been at the core of what we do – to provide opportunities to anyone who wants it.”

In pursuit of that goal, Bottega has now added unprecedented support features to their platform. “At Bottega, we realize that one of the key ingredients of a successful experience in learning development is being able to have answers to your questions, and to be able to walk through each of the issues you might run into,” said Hudgens, commenting on the new innovation. “Coding is hard,” he continued, “but with the ecosystem that we’ve developed within Bottega, we not only give you the ability to interact with our team of mentors around the world that can help you understand the various issues that you may run into, you will have at your disposal a knowledge base of all the questions and answers you need from other students.”

Bottega has CREDIT recommendation and transcript services through The American Council on Education (ACE) and three major accreditations: The Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC), Corporation Systems Accreditation from Advanc-ED, and a degree-granting partnership with www.new.edu of the Distance Education Accreditation Commission (DEAC).

Noting the importance of accreditation and the online learning platform, Hudgens said that it wasn’t enough. “This was an important advancement for us. With the support system in place, students are able to get real-time support from a global network of mentors and peers and an intelligent knowledge base in real time, allowing them to continually progress on their development learning journey.”

When asked about what really separates DevCamp from other teaching platforms, he said that it “focuses on practical, project-driven education that will translate into real-world success. We know the difference between teaching and training. Many programs will teach you programming techniques, however, DevCamp will train you to actually become a developer.”

About Bottega: Bottega is a software company and an accredited school. Its mission is to bless the lives of millions of people with high-earning employment in the technology industry. Visit www.Bottega.Tech for more information.

About DevCamp: DevCamp is a dynamic learning management system (LMS). It delivers learning materials and interaction for every student’s success by targeting the skills necessary for real-world application. Visit www.Bottega.Tech for more information.

About Jordan Hudgens: Jordan Hudgens is a co-founder and CTO of Bottega. He is also the lead engineer and architect of DevCamp where he supervises instruction and curriculum development of Bottega. As a teacher, he focuses on project-driven education with a focus on job-centric techniques and teaching the skills needed in the development industry in order to learn how to build real-world products that adhere to industry best practices.

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