
Bottega has made it their mission to transform lives and organizations. Bottega is leading out and offering free services to help the companies weather the storm. Need help to go remote? Need help turning projects into cash? Need help to retool? Bottega stands ready to help!

The business world, in and out of tech, is challenging even in the best circumstances and the ability to adapt is crucial to the success of any company or team. When circumstances are not so great, this adds an extra layer of uncertainty that can often lead to fear, doubt, and ultimately lost opportunities or even failure.


The recent changes due to the Coronavirus have changed the global landscape in a way that can’t be ignored and that will have lasting impact even after things have calmed down.

For businesses who are concerned with keeping up with payroll, we can help set up temporary internships that would bridge the gap until the economy stabilizes.


If you manage a business or team that is experiencing downtime, we can help by providing you the opportunity to offer your team members free access to our “Intro to Coding” course. This will help keep your employees engaged, focused and productive as they work towards acquiring and refining new skills that will strengthen your business and set you up for success in tomorrow’s economy.


Bottega is already helping other businesses like yours and we’d love to see how we can help you as well. We believe that the companies that will be leading tomorrow are those who adapt and take advantage of opportunities for calculated growth today.


To learn more or to see which of our complimentary services would be most helpful to your organization, contact us at bottega.tech/bottega-business-solutions.

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